Hey what’s up, what’s up, what’s up?! How goes it? Hope you are hanging in there. I continue to take comfort in the fact that we are in this together. It’s going to get worse before it get’s better but given what we’re seeing in China, it will pass eventually. We just need to try to be resilient. So glad we survived the first week with all four of us at home. Given we’re in it together, sending some ideas for what to do when stuck at home.
I’m finding that there can never be a shortage of ideas at this point lol So if you have additional ideas, please share in the comments below. We will get through this social distancing phase!
Play Board Games & Solve Puzzles
- I’m a huge fan of Tic Tac Toe, Connect 4 and Snakes and Ladders.
- Our girls love all of the above plus Monopoly and Qwirkle.
- Scrabble is another family favorite.
- Don’t have kids? No worries! I have a Tic Tac Toe app on my phone and that gets a lot of use when I need a break.
Get Moving Indoors & Put on Plays
- When I have to go up or down stairs at home, I run or take every other step so I’m really moving.
- If you have kids, hide and seek is always fun.
- It gets them moving and helps pass the time!
- Kids can also put on their own plays and play dress up.
- When schools closed, a lot of them provided school work via websites/online portals.
- In addition to that, it’s a great time to continue to encourage little ones to read books.
- And for us adults, it’s also the perfect time to read books, blogs, magazines or to listen to audio books.
- I was so bummed when gyms and workout studios had to close lol But I have been getting in my workouts at home.
- Exercise is always a good stress reliever so you can use various apps including FitOn and even Youtube to find a workout that’s right for you.
- A bunch of studios are offering virtual classes. Check out options here.
- You can also check out Femme Fitale Fit Club for workout ideas.
Bake or Cook
- If you’re not a baking fan, no worries!
- Click here for a very easy banana bread recipe that I use all the time [full disclosure= I’ve made banana bread every weekend for the last three weeks lol]
- It’s so easy, the girls enjoy helping!
- Try baking cookies, cupcakes or even bread! Given this crazy buying up of everyday staples, baking your own bread could be a nice experiment.
- One of my fave recipe sites is here.
Connect with Family, Friends, your Community/Network
- Call, text, FaceTime family and friends.
- If you have kids who are missing their buddies, plan a FaceTime catchup with other parents so your child can say hello to their bud.
Get Outdoors
- You don’t have to be a hardcore outdoorsy type to get out there!
- We’ve been taking evening strolls around the neighborhood to get out of the house.
- If you love hiking then you can still do that.
Make Crafts, Draw, Color, Paint
- Even if you don’t have kids, adult coloring is a stress reliever.
- You can order supplies online via stores like Michaels.
- If you have kids, get them crafting, playing with bubbles or let them explore their artistic side by painting and drawing.
Listen to Podcasts, Music or Audio Books
- I’m a huge fan of Spotify and love listening to music.
- You can connect to your home assistant devices like Alexa as well, for everyone to enjoy.
- Of course, there are other music choices like Amazon music and Apple music.
- I also listen to podcasts via Spotify and use Audible for audio books.
- You can try audible for free for 30 days and Amazon Prime members get two free books to get started. Check it out!
Schedule Virtual Happy Hours
- What’s great about technology is there are ways to still connect even while social distancing!
- Schedule virtual happy hours with friends or co-workers by using apps like Zoom and even good ole FaceTime.
- Even if you don’t drink alcohol, you can participate with a glass of your non-alcoholic beverage in hand!
Support a Small Business
- A lot of small and local businesses have had to close given what’s going on.
- You can support by buying gift cards when possible or ordering online in situations where it’s a business with an online store or delivery option.
Take an Online Class or Course
- Now’s a great time to level up by taking an online course or exploring webinars.
- Check out these options here.
Netflix and Chill and other Ideas including Streaming Met Opera Performances for Free
- Netflix and prime video are always great go-to’s.
- You can also stream some MET performances for free.
Use a Meal/Grocery Delivery Service
- If you want a break from home cooked meals or if cooking isn’t your thing, try a meal delivery service. There are so many out there. Here are some options.
- A number of grocery stores also offer delivery services so you can shop conveniently on an app from home!
- I use instacart because it gives me good area store options like Wegman’s, Aldi, CVS and Martin’s. Learn more here.
Take Free Virtual Museum, Zoo & Park Tours
- Thanks to google and others, we can now check out various museum exhibits for free, without even leaving our couches.
- Get all the info here.
- The girls enjoyed checking out a couple during the week.
Pray & Meditate
- During these times, it pays to pray and or meditate for some semblance of peace of mind.
- There are lots of meditation apps that make it easy to get a moment of calm during crazy days. Check some out here.
- Access some daily prayer and inspiration apps here too.
Have a Dance Party or Join One
- Totally a great time to break out dancing to funky tunes by yourself or with others.
- Legendary DJ-Nice is hosting #clubquarantine virtual dance parties. Follow him on instagram to find out timing and enjoy him spinning on the one’s and two’s.
- Read more about it here.
Clean your Closet
- Not a fun task but now may actually be a great time to clean out your closet.
- Separate out your piles into: keep; donate; gift or sell.
- Tip: if you haven’t worn it in at least a year, it doesn’t belong in your closet!
Watch a Sermon or Motivational Video Online
- One of my fave speakers and pastors is Paster John K. Jenkins of FBCG. Check out his sermons here.
- Motivational videos like Ted talks are also a great pick-me-upper. Check out some here.
Remind yourself that Self Care is a Must
- Given everything going on, it’s easy to be stressed, worried and unsure about the future.
- Take some time to care for yourself.
- Light scented candles, take a warm bath.
- Give yourself an in-home facial.
- Put on some lip gloss even if you ain’t going nowhere!
- Unwind with a glass of wine.
- Relax with a cup of herbal tea.
- Put on your fave smelling perfume.
- Sleep in when you can and have breakfast in bed.
- Read yourself an affirmation when you wake up reminding yourself how amazing you are!
- Don’t wake up to social media. Start your day without checking social media first.
- Go for a 10-15 minute walk.
- Schedule time to catch up with a bestie.
- Work out for 15 minutes.
- Relax with a book or magazine.
- Listen to soothing music.
Stock up on Comfy Clothes
- Let’s face it, most of us were multi-tasking and working remotely in comfy clothes last week.
- Given this is going to be our new normal for a while, it doesn’t hurt to snag some cute leggings, joggers, pjs, sweats, and jeans.
Here are other resources with ideas for what to do: here; here; here; and here.
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How are you staying sane during this period?? Please share your ideas via comments and please share this post via the social media buttons below. Missed the last post? Check it out here.
Thanks for dropping by and please be safe out there! Friendly reminder to do the five to help stop the spread of the coronavirus. Stay fabulous and safe out there!