Shop these absolutely amazing MLK day sales

Hello beauties. How’s it going?? Hope you’re staying warm out there if you are experiencing the crazy cold weather we’re dealing with here in Maryland. Anyhoo, it’s MLK weekend again and it’s when we celebrate the birthday for the late great Civil Rights hero: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Given it’s a long holiday weekend, […]
Easy and Affordable Leather Outfits for Work and Play

Hello beauties!! Long time no hear from, right?? I’m baaack and glad to be! It’s been loco settling into the new house and getting adjusted to the new hood. The girls are getting used to life in their new neck of the woods. Pray that things continue to fall into place! Will share some pics […]
Slayer Summer Style for Work

Hello beauties! Hope you had a great weekend!! Mine was cray cray! In-laws were around so busy running around and then we had an open house so that just made things more complicated. After Church, had to go kill time lol, which was a pain with the girls in tow repeating how they wanted to […]
Summer Style Trends: Florals and Ruffles

Hello beauties. Happy weekend! How was your week?? For those of us who had a four day-week, isn’t it amazing how it’s a short week yet you pack in five days worth of work into that short week?! Right?! Oh well, thank God for the weekend! Given how busy last weekend was, I’m looking forward […]
Summer Style: Floral Cold Shoulder Dress

Hello beauties! Happy Friday! We survived another one so fist bumping you over here. For some reason, I was very tired this week. So I’m not complaining about the week zooming by. Any way, here in Maryland, we are experiencing some inconsistency from Mother Nature lol It was in the sixties earlier this week then we […]