How to Effortlessly Style Sweaters for Work

A woman in pink shirt and white skirt walking down the street.

Hello beauties.  Hope you’re doing great! Raise your hands if you can’t believe half the month is over already! Loco, right?? I was reading something about Spring already and I’m like it’s funny but yah, will be here before we know it.  Something to look forward to in the midst of battling temps below 20 and snow, right?!:-) Roight! Given that it’s still sweater-weather, bringing you how to effortlessly style sweaters for work plus I’ve got looks from other fashionistas as well.  Make sure you check out their Instagram feeds and follow them for some style inspo!

NOTE: Given the featured pics are from Instagram, if you don’t see them initially, please hit that refresh button and voila! They should pop! 


Sweaters for Work:



A post shared by Psyche Southwell (@economyofstyle) on


A post shared by District of Chic (@districtofchic) on


A post shared by Candace, M.Ed (@casualwithcandace) on


A post shared by FASHION | TRAVEL (@hernameislindz) on


A post shared by E M ???????? (@enicolepalmer) on


A post shared by Tahisha (@indhirareid) on


A post shared by By Mónica B. (@flair_chick) on


I feel good,hope you too . #hmootd #midiskirt

A post shared by Agi Deutsch (@agi_deutsch) on


A post shared by Ana ???????? (@zestystyleonthego) on


A post shared by Ashley | FabEllis (@iamfabellis) on

Shop my Look:

A woman in pink shirt and white skirt walking down the street.

A woman in pink shirt and white skirt walking down the street.

Photos by Oscar Merrida


Sweater : now sold out but similar here| Skirt |Boots | Necklace | Lipstick (MAC – Baby’s All Right)

A woman in pink shirt and white skirt walking down the street.

Hey girl hey! 

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Missed the last post? Check out 22 Bomb Coats to Buy on Sale Now

As usual, thanks so much for dropping by! Let me know which of these styling options is your fave or go-to when styling sweaters for work. Looking forward to hearing from you! Stay fabulous.

A woman in pink shirt and white skirt walking down the street.