Red Sweater Dress + Tan Booties

A woman in pink shirt and white skirt walking down the street.

Hello beauties.  How goes it?? Happy Friday eve! Those of us in the DMV (DC/MD/VA) area are bracing ourselves for this weekend’s “snowmegeddon.”  The weather experts are predicting at least a foot of snow so soliciting the prayer warriors lol Hopefully, won’t be as bad! But when they name a snow storm, I guess we should be scared, right?  Love the red sweater dress featured in today’s post.

I call it the “Ebenezer Scrooge Pajama Sweater Dress.”  Doesn’t it remind you of those long gown-like pjs Scrooge sported in A Christmas Carol:-) Anyway, I love this dress because it is cozy and long so perfect choice for those winter days.

How to Style this Sweater Dress:

  • Accessorize, Accessorize, Accessorize!
    • Wanted a “piece of flair” in addition to the gold necklace so settled on not one but two brooches:-) One works.  I was in a “less isn’t more” mood!
    • Chose a Tan handbag as a nice contrasting piece to the red.
  • Say Yes to the Belt but not the one that came with the Dress
    • The dress came with it’s own belt but I substituted!
    • Easy tip: Even if a dress comes with it’s own belt, it’s fun to get one of the belts you already have and pair it with the dress instead.
    • I paired the dress with a gold belt, matching burgundy tights (these tights via Target are sooo warm!!) and tan booties.
  • Choose Booties or Tall Boots: Both Work
    • This dress would also look great with tall boots.

Don’t Rule out Red:

  • Red is one of those colors that goes great with a lot of colors so the options are endless! You can opt for anything from brown shoes/accessories to nude to black to grey or silver.
  • If you aren’t a fan of red, tone it down by accessorizing with a more neutral color.  Also, this bordeaux/dark/deep shade of red is a good “red” to experiment with.  Red doesn’t have to bright, fire engine red:-) More pics and outfit details below.

I show the dress layered under a tan coat so you can see the street style-ready look!

A woman in pink shirt and white skirt walking down the street. A woman in pink shirt and white skirt walking down the street. A woman in pink shirt and white skirt walking down the street. A woman in pink shirt and white skirt walking down the street. A woman in pink shirt and white skirt walking down the street. A woman in pink shirt and white skirt walking down the street. A woman in pink shirt and white skirt walking down the street. A woman in pink shirt and white skirt walking down the street. A woman in pink shirt and white skirt walking down the street. A woman in pink shirt and white skirt walking down the street. A woman in pink shirt and white skirt walking down the street. A woman in pink shirt and white skirt walking down the street. A woman in pink shirt and white skirt walking down the street.

Photo Cred: Images by Comfesta.

Would love to hear from you! Are you a fan or foe of red??

Thanks for dropping by! Don’t be a stranger, xoxo.

Outfit Details: Dress: via; same dress:; similar: (50% off sale in effect so use code: FLASH to get the dress for less than $40!) | Tan boots:; similar: | Brooches: Floral bunch:; Pearl Flower: also