#MotivationMonday Quote – Audrey Hepburn Gem

A woman in pink shirt and white skirt walking down the street.

Hello beauties.  Hope you had a great weekend.  Mine was fast and furious! Saturday was great because my girls and I spent time with one of my girlfriends and her 2 girls.  Even though they are older than my little ones, they always treat them like their little sisters so a good time had by all.  We took the girls to a nearby farm so they could get in their pumpkin patch moment of the season.  Will share pictures as part of tomorrow’s post so stay tuned!

Sunday was church and a 5-year old’s birthday party.  Very busy weekend but seeing good friends=always a plus so shout out to Dorecia who made my Saturday and Vanessa, who made my Sunday!

One of my favorite leading ladies from back in the day is Audrey Hepburn.  I remember watching “My fair lady” over and over again as a child.  Loved her.  Today’s #motivationmonday quote is courtesy of the style and screen icon.  I have to remind myself of this everyday so I personally love this quote.  Hope it inspires us today as we’re about to start this new week!

Thanks for dropping by! Don’t be a stranger, xoxo!