#MotivationMonday= Coco Chanel

A woman in pink shirt and white skirt walking down the street.

Hello beauties.  Hope you had a great weekend! Mine was fast and furious, as usual! Did some cooking to get ahead for the week and managed to squeeze in some rest in-between running after the girls. I’m also getting scared that thanksgiving is around the corner! Isn’t it scary!? Stay tuned for some thanksgiving-themed posts.  I know some folks wonder if they should dress up or down/try something new for the holidays.  Will be posting some thanksgiving-friendly fashion tips soon plus options for dressing up/down.  Stay tuned!

Today’s #MondayMotivation quote is by fashion icon: Coco Chanel.  This isn’t the first time I’ve featured a Coco Chanel quote on the blog and it certainly won’t be the last! She’s got lots of great gems to pick from.  Today’s is so true!

There are times when we need to call a spade a spade and recognize a dead end when we see one.  No use forcing the issue, hoping for a different outcome.  This could apply to relationships: both personal and professional…Could apply to entrepreneurial ventures and so on.  We may not be thrilled at the time but I’ve found in those situations, when one walks away, it ends up being for the best! Coco Chanel was on to something:-) Chin up and go do your thing out there! Here’s to a lovely week!

Thanks for dropping by! Don’t be a stranger, xoxo!