#MondayMotivation/#MotivationMonday Quote: Carolina Herrera

A woman in pink shirt and white skirt walking down the street.

Hello beauties.  If you were snowed in, hope you made the most of the time indoors! Was telling my sis-in-law there will be lots of babies born 9 months from now lol Ok, kidding.  Today’s #MondayMotivation/#MotivationMonday quote is by designer Carolina Herrera.

It’s a very simple message but it’s so true.  We all say things like “What goes around comes around” and “What’s old is new again.”  Not to mention “There’s nothing new under the sun.” And I could go on and on.  Especially true when it comes to fashion.  What makes any style, trend, look, you name it, new is how YOU put it together and make it unique to YOU.

As you pick out your outfits this week, think about what makes a particular outfit, accessory, the way it’s styled, etc.=YOU. Shop your closet! It’s amazing what you’ll find in your closet to remix when you’re more deliberate! Here’s to a great week, ladies!

Thanks for dropping by! Don’t be a stranger, xoxo.