#MondayMotivation: Pharrell Williams Fashion Quote

A woman in pink shirt and white skirt walking down the street.Hello beauties.  So we all probably loved “happy” by Pharrell when it first came out but then as is the case with most songs, after a while, we prayed we wouldn’t have to hear it again so many times.  Or as my 3 year old says (in general, not about that particular song): “It hurts my ears.”  That aside, Pharrell does have his own unique style.  What, you didn’t like the hat:-) LOL Ok.  Love today’s #mondaymotivation quote.  Fashion does need to reflect who you are.  It says something about you so make it count! Always be you and represent that when you walk out that door.  Here’s to a great week!

Also! My first fall giveaway starts today! Enter for a chance to win 1 of 2 $50 ideel.com gift cards.  Forward to friends + fam so they get a chance too! Simply click here.

Thanks for dropping by! Don’t be a stranger, xoxo.