#MondayMotivation: Bill Cunningham Quote

Bill Cunningham fashion quote

Hello beauties.  Here’s this week’s Monday Motivation quote.  I love this Bill Cunningham quote because when people ask me why I “dress up”/look put together for work, my response is that “on any given day, it’s the one thing I have control over!”

We all have busy lives whether we work in an office, work as home makers (yes, being a stay-at-home mom is a full time job), work remotely from home, volunteer…You name it, life is hectic.  However, doing something as “little” as sliding on some lipgloss, a colorful necklace, a cute dress, shoes, whatever it is, those “little” things can make a big difference in our attitude/how we approach the day.  Not to mention, for me, it’s a huge confidence booster when I leave the house in a “slayer” outfit!

Here’s to a great week week, ladies!