Fan or Foe Friday=Cookie Lyon (Empire Season 2)

A woman in pink shirt and white skirt walking down the street.

Hello beauties.  I started a new segment on Facebook last week called “Fan or Foe Fridays.” Given that I sometimes ask on the blog if you’re a fan or foe of certain looks/items etc., figured I’d make it an official segment:-)

Today’s “Fan or Foe” shot features Cookie Lyon in a gold pant suit from Empire Season 2.  Cookie has rocked some very interesting looks in both Seasons 1 + 2.  You either love some of them or hate them.  Either way, they are good conversation starters! What do you think? Are you a fan or foe of this particular look?

Thanks for dropping by! Don’t be a stranger, xoxo! Have a lovely weekend! p.s. don’t forget this weekend is daylight savings time! Extra hour of sleep, kinda:-) Don’t forget to change your clock(s).