Easy Baked Macaroni and Cheese Recipe

Hey what’s up, what’s up, what’s up?! One of my absolute weaknesses is a bowl of creamy, cheesy Mac n’ Cheese. Here’s an easy Macaroni and Cheese recipe you can try at home! Let me know what you think when you do! Would love to hear from you. This is a great dish for not […]
Gold and Silver Party Decoration Ideas

Hey what’s up, what’s up, what’s up?! Hope you’re doing great! I know what you’re thinking. Gold and silver party decoration ideas?? Yes, girl, yes. So my daughter Dara celebrated her 10th birthday recently and while not the birthday she imagined, we made the best of it. She had a blast and enjoyed time with […]
How to support the Black Community

The black community is frustrated. Tired. Upset. Mad. All over the above. The brutal killing of George Floyd as he begged and pleaded for his life, was just too much. But then again, we’ve seen this time and time again. Eric Garner, anyone? The murder of George Floyd, on the heels of others like Breonna […]
How to stay fit at home

Hey what’s up, what’s up, what’s up?! How’s it going? How are you? Hope you’re staying safe out there. Not sure if I’m alone on this but I hate exercising. Do I do it? Oh yes but do I love it? Nah. However, I LOVE how I feel after working out…The mental and the physical […]
10 Must-Follow Instagram Style Bloggers in 2017

Hello beauties. Things have been a little cray cray on my end! My day job has been super busy and I was busy planning my hubby’s 40th birthday house party. Party went well this past weekend (HUGE sigh here) so I can get back to business. The weather has also been loco here in the […]