My Article is Featured on the Huffington Post Blog

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Hello beauties.  Hope you had a great weekend! Folks who really know me know I LOVE basketball, especially the NBA.  This post-season was particularly enjoyable as there were a lot of great games.  The 2016 champs: The Cleveland Cavaliers; led by LeBron James, had a very inspirational story and I had to put pen to paper to write about how we can all learn from their experience.  I submitted the article last Wednesday, it was accepted and published on Thursday! That is the first time I’ve submitted a piece for consideration to the Huffington Post and I hope there’ll be lots more opportunities!! Please head over and check out the article on the Huffington Post blog.

I hope this encourages you to step out in faith if there’s something you’ve wanted to do or try but have wondered about the outcome!  You’ll never know until you actually do it! Here’s to a great Monday and rest of the week!

Thanks for dropping by! Don’t be a stranger!


LBJ champs
Source ESPNcom LeBron and his teammates