5 Easy Ways to Help you Set and Stick to your New Year Goals


Hey what’s up, what’s up, what’s up?! Happy New Year!!! Hope your year is off to a great start so far and I wish you a happy, healthy and successful one! Of course, it’s that time again, when we set goals or make New Year resolutions. Whichever camp you’re in, here are 5 tricks to help you set and stick to your New Year Goals.


1. Set SMART Goals and Write them Down

  • Set SMART goals: make sure your goal is Specific | Measurable | Attainable | Realistic | Time-Bound
  • For example, if one of your goals is to prioritize fitness. Think about the how? How will you prioritize it? How will you measure progress? Is it attainable and realistic? Time-bound it so you have a sense of when you expect to accomplish or timing around the specific actions you’re going to take. A SMART goal becomes: Prioritize fitness by taking 4 Peloton classes a week to help me lose 5 pounds every month. That’s just one example.
  • Write them down. This could be in a notebook or on the computer. Studies have shown that we track better when we write things down and document.

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2. Don’t do the Most

  • If you have a list that’s too long and not manageable, you will become overwhelmed.
  • Maybe start with 3 goals and go from there.
  • Remember: quality over quantity!

3. Get an Accountability Partner

  • Two heads are better than one and none of us are an island.
  • Ask a friend, colleague or family member to be your accountability partner so you have support.
  • Keep in mind that you can have multiple accountability partners: one for each goal.
  • For example, if you have a fitness goal, you can have an accountability partner who reminds you to work out regularly.
How to stay on track with goals-accountability-partner

4. Celebrate your Milestones

  • Who doesn’t love checking off a list!
  • Celebrate your wins and milestones, no matter how small.
  • Setting time-bound goals helps so you can track and cross accomplishments off the list as you go.
  • This will also encourage you to keep going! Go you!

5. Give yourself Grace

  • If you feel like you’re swamped or life happens and you’re behind, it’s not the end of the world.
  • Hit the reset button.
  • Reading daily affirmations also help to encourage you. Check out the free “I am” app for example. There are some good ones here too.
  • You’ve got this!

To Recap: How to Set and Stick to Your New Year Goals

  1. Set SMART goals and write them down
  2. Don’t do the most
  3. Get an accountability partner
  4. Celebrate your milestones
  5. Give yourself grace
  • I hope this was helpful for you and I wish you the best of luck this year as you tackle those 2021 goals.
  • You’ve got this, girl!

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