Easy Self-Care Tips for Women

Tokes Take on Style

Self-care really isn't selfish and we should all make the time to do something for our well-being and mental wellness.

Make a gratitude list

There's no better therapeutic exercise than making a list of what you are grateful for!

Tip 1


Don't overwhelm yourself by picking a long duration but start with say 15 minutes and go from there!

Tip 2


Calm your nerves and still your mind from the usual busy thoughts with  a little prayer/meitation.

Tip 3

Get outside

The great outdoors are calling so go ahead and get some fresh air.

Tip 4

Light a scented candle

There is something soothing and calming about relaxing with the sweet scents & glow from a scented candle.

Tip 5

Have a mini pamper sesh

You don't have to go to a Spa to pamper yourself!

Tip 6

Go on a social media detox

Social media can impact our mental health. Schedule a social media detox and give yourself time off your fave platforms.

Tip 7

Make it a movie night!

Grab some popcorn and unwind with your fave shows or watch a new movie or two!

Tip 8

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